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Sustainable development

Sustainable development

Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) commitments

Wuhan Yangtze Optical Technologies Co., Ltd. responds to China's "carbon peak, carbon neutral" requirements, continuously improve the environmental management system, adhere to green production, create green products, actively promote energy conservation and emission reduction work, to build a low-carbon green life; Continue to promote the supply chain to fulfill social responsibility, and grow together with suppliers; Protect the rights and interests of employees, pay attention to the development of employees, care for employees, and create a safe, healthy, happy and warm working environment for employees.

Environment and sustainable management

As a company with a strong sense of social mission, YOTC regards environmental protection as its own responsibility. We are committed to reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency and actively participating in climate action.

Climate and energy

YOTC actively responds to climate change issues by developing annual water, electricity and gas energy reduction projects and promoting the implementation of these projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, YOTC is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the negative impact on the environment in the procurement, manufacturing, transportation, product use and recycling of components and raw materials. We actively call on our suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a low-carbon economy. YOTC actively participates in CDP climate change survey and promotes 100% use of renewable energy.

Emission reduction and resource recycling

In the whole life cycle of enterprise operation and products, YOTC pays attention to the minimization of input resources, carries out multi-level management of energy, water resources, waste gas emission and solid waste, and strives to reduce resource input, improve resource utilization efficiency, and actively purchases recycled materials to maximize resource recycling. Through management measures such as parameter control, equipment spot inspection, equipment maintenance, establishment of post system, operation procedures, etc., to ensure the effective operation of waste gas and wastewater treatment facilities, and achieve 100% standard discharge.

Hazardous substance

We carry out in product design and process technology. Zero waste ” And minimize consumables in manufacturing. Thoroughly manage chemicals in raw materials and components, and prevent or take measures in advance to continuously reduce and replace substances that have any potential impact on the environment.

Social responsibility

YOTC is committed to compliance. Responsible business alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "RBA") The Code of Conduct, which consists of five parts: Labour rights, Health and safety, environmental protection, business ethics and management Systems. YOTC is also committed to conducting self-assessments to ensure that our policies and procedures are being properly implemented. In addition, the requirements of our "Code of Conduct" are communicated to our suppliers, and all suppliers are required to recognize and implement the provisions of the code.

Protect employees' rights and interests

YOTC strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations, adheres to the principle of fair and open recruitment, fully protects the basic rights and interests of employees, signs labor contracts with every employee, opposes discrimination, adheres to the system of equal pay for equal work, puts an end to the use of child labor and forced labor, provides employees with perfect compensation and benefits, protects employees' privacy, and pays attention to employees' physical and mental health. Strive to build a safe, equal and healthy working environment.

Occupational health

YOTC cares about the health of employees, actively builds the health management culture, constantly improves the occupational disease prevention system, strengthens the occupational disease prevention work, provides health examination for employees every year, and carries out occupational health training.

Safe production

YOTC always puts production safety in the first place of business activities, strictly standardizes production safety, improves the management system, strengthens the work of production safety, organizes and carries out safety inspection, safety education and publicity, safety fire drill and other activities, and further enhances the safety awareness and safety emergency response ability of employees.

Attach importance to career development

YOTC focuses on the career development of employees, creating a working environment for employees to give full play to their talents, focusing on ability and equality of opportunity; Pay attention to staff training, improve staff training system, effectively enhance the core competitiveness of staff.

Supply chain management

Scientific and strict supply chain management can effectively help YOTC to achieve the goal of social responsibility, improve the overall performance of suppliers, and realize the win-win value of enterprises and supply chain partners. YOTC strictly implements the "Code of Conduct" and integrates social responsibility into supply chain management.

Responsible mineral procurement

YOTC has a Conflict Minerals Policy and actively implements a conflict-free Minerals policy. It is committed to avoid sourcing minerals that cause conflict or serious human rights violations, to identify minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, and to ensure that suppliers comply with the policy and that smelters and refineries in the supply chain are in compliance.

Corporate governance

We are committed to being a trusted partner of our customers, and demonstrate our good corporate governance in our business practices. Our company operates strictly in accordance with the principles of integrity, transparency and security, so as to build a mutually beneficial relationship with our customers. We attach great importance to corporate compliance governance, corporate ethics, data security and privacy protection.



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Address: No.88, Youkeyuan Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City   TEl:86-27-87693127    FAX:86-27-87693151   Email:sales@yotc.com.cn

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Address: No.88, CAS Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City   TEl:86-27-87693127    FAX:86-27-87693151   Email:sales@yotc.com.cn

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